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Figure 2 | Chinese Medicine

Figure 2

From: Identification of constituent herbs in ginseng decoctions by DNA markers

Figure 2

DNA degradation with time of boiling. Pulverized P. ginseng sample was boiled for (A) 30 min, (B) 60 min and (C) 120 min. The extracted DNA was amplified by PCR to produce 88 bp (lane 1) using primer pair 4, 121 bp (lane 3) using primer pair 7, 191 bp (lane 5) using primer pair 9, 249 bp (lane 7) using primer pair 5 and 311 bp (lane 9) using primer pair 6. Lanes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are negative controls of its previous lanes without decoction DNA. Lane M represents the DNA size ladder.

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