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Table 2 Action and indication of the most ten frequently used herbs

From: Chinese herbal medicine for constipation: zheng-based associations among herbs, formulae, proprietary medicines, and herb–drug interactions

Chinese name in pinyin

Latin name

Frequency of usage



Da Huang

Radix et Rhizoma Rhei


Drains heat and purges accumulations; clears heat, transforms dampness and promotes urination; drains heat from the blood; invigorates the blood and dispels blood stasis

Intestinal heat excess with high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, abdominal distention and pain, delirium, a yellow tongue coat and a full pulse; blood stasis with amenorrhea, fixed abdominal masses or fixed pain

Huo Ma Ren

Semen Cannabis


Nourishes, moistens and lubricates the intestines; nourishes the yin; clears heat and promotes healing of sores; moistens dryness and benefits the hair

Constipation in the elderly; constipation after a warm febrile disease; postpartum constipation; constipation due to blood and yin deficiency; sores and ulcerations (auxiliary-internal and topical); promotes hair growth and treats dry hair

Fan Xie Ye

Folium Sennae


Drains downward and guides out stagnation; eliminates excess heat and drains summer heat

Heat in the stomach and intestines with constipation and abdominal fullness; summer heat

Bai Zhu

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae


Tonifies the spleen and augments qi; dries dampness and promotes water metabolism; stabilizes the exterior and stops sweating

Spleen and stomach deficiency with diarrhea, fatigue; spleen damp or accumulation of fluids affecting the digestion; edema and reduced urination due to spleen deficiency; qi deficiency with spontaneous sweating

Dang- Gui

Radix Angelicae Sinensis


Tonifies the blood and regulates the menses; invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold; moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels

Blood deficiency with pale, ashen complexion, lusterless nails, tinnitus; blood deficiency associated irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea; dry Intestines due to blood deficiency

Huang Qi

Radix Astragali


Tonifies qi and blood; strengthens the spleen and raises the yang qi of the spleen and stomach; tonifies wei qi, stabilizes the exterior and tonifies the lungs

Postpartum fever due to qi and blood deficiency; spleen qi deficiency with anorexia, fatigue and diarrhea; excessive sweating with qi, yang or yin deficiency; dampness in the head

Gan Cao

Radix Glycyrrhizae


Tonifies the spleen and augments qi; moistens the lungs, resolves phlegm and stops cough; moderates spasms and alleviates pain; clears heat and relieves fire toxicity

Spleen qi deficiency with shortness of breath, lassitude and loose stools; qi and blood deficiency with an irregular pulse and/or palpitations; productive or non-productive cough; raw for toxic heat with sore throat or carbuncles and sores

Sheng Di

Radix Rehmanniae


Clears heat and cools the blood; nourishes yin, generates fluids, increases saliva and treats wasting and thirsting; cools heart fire

Ying-stage heat with high fever, thirst and a scarlet tongue; hemorrhage due to blood heat; throat pain due to yin deficiency

Bai Shao

Radix Paeoniae Alba


Nourishes the blood and regulates menstruation; astringes yin and adjusts the ying and wei; calms liver yang and liver wind and alleviates pain

Liver blood deficiency with menstrual dysfunction, vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding; anemia; breast distention and pre-menstrual syndrome

Lu Hui



Purges, drains fire and guides out accumulations; clears heat and cools the liver; kills parasites and strengthens the stomach

Heat accumulation with constipation, dizziness, red eyes, and irritability; chronic constipation; heat in the liver channel or liver fire with epigastric discomfort, dizziness, headache, irritability, tinnitus, constipation and fever