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Table 4 Summary of top ten most frequently used Chinese herbal medicine proprietary

From: Chinese herbal medicine for constipation: zheng-based associations among herbs, formulae, proprietary medicines, and herb–drug interactions

Chinese name in pinyin (manufacturer)

Composition in pinyin

Oral dosage

Number of frequency among all the studies


Run-Chang-Wan (Shang Dong Hua Yang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.)

Tao Ren

4 pills t. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of excessive qi and heat, and constipation for elderly people and postpartum women

Da Hua

Qiang Huo

Dang Gui

Huo Ma Ren

Ma-Ren-Ruan-Jiao-Nang (Actavis (Foshan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Huo Ma Ren

2 capsules t. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of excessive qi and heat

Xing Ren

Bai Shao

Zhi Shi

Hou Pu

Da Huang

Ma-Ren-Run-Chang-Wan (Bei Jing Tong Ren Tang Co., Ltd.)

Huo Ma Ren

1–2 big honey pills b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of heat in stomach and intestines

Xing Ren

Da Hua

Bai Shao

Mu Xiang

Chen Pi

Liu-Wei-An-Xiao-Jiao-Nang (Gui Zhou Xin Bang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Tu Mu Xiang

3–6 pills b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation due to indigestion and bloating; stomachache; dyspepsia

Da Huang

Shan Nai

Han Shui Shi

Ke Zi

Jian Hua

Fu-Fang-Lu-Hui-Jiao-Nang (He Bei Wan Bang & Folon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Lu Hui

1–2 capsules b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of intense fire in heart and liver

Qing Dai

Zhu Sha

Hu Po

Ma-Ren-Zi-Pi-Wan (Bao Tou Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Huo Ma Ren

1 big honey pills b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of dryness and heat in large intestine

Xing Ren

Bai Shao

Zhi Shi

Hou Pu

Da Huang

Yu Li Ren

Dang Gui

Si-Ni-San (Fu Zhou Neptunus Futao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Chai Hu

6–9 g granules b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of disharmony between spleen and liver

Zhi Shi

Bai Shao

Zhi Gan Cao

Liu-Wei-Neng-Xiao-Jiao-Nang (Yang Zong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)

Da Hua

2 capsules b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation due to indigestion; obesity; hyperlipidemia

Ke Zi

Gan Jiang

Zang Mu Xiang

Jian Hua

Hai Shui Shi

Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Wan (Bei Jing Tong Ren Tang Co., Ltd.)

Huang Qi

1–2 big honey pills b. i. d. for oral administration


Constipation with CM zheng of qi deficiency of spleen and stomach/Sunken middle qi

Dang Shen

Bai Zhu

Dang Gui

Shen Ma

Chai Hu

Chen Pi

Zhi Gan Cao

  1. t.i.d. means ter in die, three times a day; b.i.d. means bis in die, twice a day