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Table 1 The related information about MXD

From: Exploring the protective effect of Modified Xiaochaihu Decoction against hepatic steatosis and inflammation by network pharmacology and validation in ageing rats

Herbal components latin name

Clinical application


Bupleurum chinense DC. (BC)

Exterior syndrome, fever, and shaoyang syndrome. Liver depression with qi stagnation. Distending pain in chest and hypochondria and menstrual irregularities. Qi deficiency with sinking and visceral prolapse

Harmonize the exterior and interior, soothe liver, relieve depression, raise yang qi

Pinellia ternate (Thunb.) Breit. (PT)

Adverse rise of stomach qi manifested as nausea and vomiting. Chest and epigastric fullness and distress, globus hystericus, goiter, subcutaneous nodule. Large carbuncle, mammary sore, bite by poisonous snake

Dry dampness and resolve phlegm, suppress adverse rise of qi to stop vomiting, relieve stuffiness and dissipate nodulation, relieve swelling and pain

Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. (PG)

Prostration syndrome of primordial qi. Lung qi deficiency syndrome. Spleen qi deficiency syndrome. Thirst due to qi deficiency and consumption of fluid in febrile diseases: Xiaoke. Palpations, fearful throbbing, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep

Replenish the primordial qi, tonify the spleen and lung promote fluid production and induce tranquilization

Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. (GU)

Spleen qi deficiency syndrome. Heart qi insufficient syndrome, palpations with intermittent and knotted pulse. Cough and dyspnea. Spasm in the abdomen and extremities. Heat-toxin with ulcers, sore throat, medicinal or food poisoning. Moderating the properties of medicinals

Tonify spleen and replenish qi, dispel phlegm and arrest cough, relieve spasm and pain, clear heat and relieve toxicity, harmonize all medicinals

Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. (SB)

Damp-warm, jaundice, dysentery and heat stranguria. High fever, agitation, thirst, lung heat and cough. Blood heat, hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis. Abscess, swelling, sores and toxin. Threatened abortion

Clear heat, dry dampness, purge fire, relieve toxicity, stop bleeding and prevent abortion

Zingiber officinale Rose. (ZOR)

Exterior contraction of wind-cold. Stomach cold and vomiting. Lung cold and cough

Dispel cold, release superficies, warm the middle, arrest vomiting, resolve phlegm and stop cough

Ziziphus jujube Mill. (ZJ)

Spleen deficiency syndrome. Sallowness due to blood deficiency, hysteria

Tonify the middle and replenish qi, nourish blood and induce tranquilization

Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling (CW)

Liver qi stagnation and blood stasis causing blockage. Phlegm-heat clouding the heart. Blood heat causing bleeding as haematemesis, epistaxis, hematuria and unsmooth menstruation. Damp-heat jaundice and gallstone. Damp-heat jaundice and gallstone

Activate blood and relieve pain, promote qi and disperse the stagnated qi, clear heart and cool blood, excrete bile and disperse jaundice

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. (SM)

Blood-stasis Syndromes. Breast abscess with swelling and pain. Restlessness and insomnia

Promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis, cool the blood to relieve carbuncle, remove annoyance and tranquilize the mind

Artemisia scoparia Waldst. Et Kit (AS)

Jaundice. Eczema, damp sore, pruritus

Clear away heat, eliminate dampness, drain the gallbladder to relieve jaundice