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Table 2 Illustrating the types of exercise, impacts and effects on tau activity

From: Chinese nutraceuticals and physical activity; their role in neurodegenerative tauopathies

Exercise type


Physical activities


Safety tips

Changes to tau activity


Endurance excerise

Minimum of 150 min per week

Jogging, dancing, swimming, biking, hills climbing, playing tennis

Improves fitness levels

Aids daily tasks

Improves the health of the heart, lungs and circulatory system

Prevent cardiovascular diseases

Easy walking before and after endurance exercise

Prevent injuries

Drink fluids that makes you sweat

Inhibition of free radical activities in the brain

Activates AKT/PKB cascades, thus consequently reduces tau hyperphosphorylation

[278, 279]

Strength exercise

Minimum of two days per week

Push-up, squats, digging, weight lifting, use of resistance bands

Increases bone density

Improves cardiac function

Keeps muscle strong

Prevents falls and fall related injuries

Never hold breath during strength exercise

Breathe out as you lift and breathe in as you relax

Prevent injuries

Downregulation of phospho-PKA levels and upregulating PKC levels

Reduces tau hyperphosphorylation


Flexibility exercise

2 to 3 days per week at 15- 30 s repeated 2–4 times

Shoulder rolls, neck & shoulder release, chest mobiliser, ankle stretch, calf stretch

Improves flexibility

Improves balance

Stretches muscles

Warm up prior to stretching

Don’t stretch if it hurts

Breathe normally while holding a stretch

Downregulation of phosphor-ERK1/2, phosphor JNK and p38 levels were thus inhibiting the over expression of tau protein


Balance exercise

2 to 3 days per week

Step up, Heel to toe walk, one-leg stand, sideways walking

Prevent falls

Improves core muscles

Improves balance

Use a sturdy chair when necessary

Prevent injuries

Inhibition of GSK3β, a kinase mediating tau hyperphosphorylation
