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Fig. 6 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 6

From: The inhibitory effect and mechanism of Yi-qi-hua-yu-jie-du decoction on the drug resistance of gastric cancer stem cells based on ABC transporters

Fig. 6

The sensitivity of CD44(−) and CD44(+)(CSCs) cells to 5-Fu and the gene expression and prognostic value of ABC transporters. A The inhibition rate of BGC823, CD44(-)BGC823/5-Fu and CD44(+)BGC823/5-Fu (BGC823/5-Fu-CSCs) treated with 5-Fu after 48 h. B The gene expression of MDR1 and MRP1 in the three cell lines detected by Q-PCR. C The Kaplan–Meier curve related to OS of MDR1 and MRP1 in GC patients

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