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Fig. 2 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Fushenmu treatment ameliorates RyR2 with related metabolites in a zebrafish model of barium chloride induced arrhythmia

Fig. 2

Analysis of differentially expressed genes between AF patients and control ones using GSEA, GO and KEGG analysis. A Genes differentially expressed between AF patients and controls of the LA-PV junction samples. B Genes differentially expressed between AF patients and controls of the LAA samples. Top20 significant target genes were labeled. Blue nodes represent down-regulation, red nodes represent up-regulation, and grey nodes represent no significant difference from controls (|Log2-fold change (FC) |> 1 and adjusted p value < 0.05). C Ridgeline plot across the GSEA C5 ontology gene analysis colored according to p adjust value (Top). X axis represents density of top genes` Log2 FC in enriched terms, y axis represents significantly enriched terms (gene sets). The values of false discovery rate (FDR), p adjust and normalized enrichment scores (NES) are depicted on the right side of the plot. D Enrichment analysis of the gene set ‘cation channel complex’ and ‘transporter complex’ in cellular component (CC) categories of GSEA C5 ontology gene sets. E Enrichment analysis of the gene set ‘muscle contraction’, ‘actin-mediated cell contraction’, ‘muscle system process’, ‘cardiac muscle cell action potential’, and ‘regulation of heart rate’ in biological process (BP) categories of GSEA C5 ontology gene sets. Genes were ranked by log2 FC. F Bubble plot for gene ontology analysis of significant regulated genes. Genes were enriched by log2 FC. G Chord plot shows the three most enriched GO CC terms and enriched genes for each term. H Chord plot shows the three most enriched GO MF terms and enriched genes for each term. J Chord plot shows the five most enriched GO MF terms and enriched genes for each term. K Chord plot shows the five most enriched KEGG terms and enriched genes for each term

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