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Table 3 Effects of CTS on body weight, liver weight, and adipose tissue weight of mice fed with HFD

From: Crude triterpenoid saponins from Ilex latifolia (Da Ye Dong Qing) ameliorate lipid accumulation by inhibiting SREBP expression via activation of AMPK in a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease model




HFD + Simvastatin

HFD + CTS-100

HFD + CTS-200

Initial body weight (g)

21.10 Â± 1.62

21.22 Â± 1.21

20.31 Â± 1.03

21.56 Â± 2.02

21.64 Â± 1.36

Final body weight (g)

30.35 Â± 3.06

40.39 Â± 3.02##

35.63 Â± 4.63â–³

37.97 Â± 4.13*

37.68 Â± 2.91*

Body weight gain (g)

9.25 Â± 0.91

19.17 Â± 0.32#

15.32 Â± 0.53â–³

16.41 Â± 0.44*

14.89 Â± 0.46*

Adipose tissuea weight (g)

0.96 Â± 0.23

1.67 Â± 0.49##

1.24 Â± 0.29â–³

1.37 Â± 0.64

1.43 Â± 0.54*

Ratio of adipose tissue and body weight (%)

3.22 Â± 0.90

4.29 Â± 1.55##

3.51 Â± 1.49â–³

3.67 Â± 2.16

3.84 Â± 1.46*

Liver weight (g)

1.45 Â± 0.14

2.26 Â± 0.17##

2.02 Â± 0.39△△

2.15 Â± 0.22

2.09 Â± 0.39**

Ratio of liver and body weight (%)

4.81 Â± 0.60

5.74 Â± 0.71##

5.50 Â± 1.47â–³

5.70 Â± 0.70

5.63 Â± 1.30*

  1. Adipose tissuea: including omental adipose tissue, perirenal adipose tissue, and epididymal adipose tissue.
  2. Values were expressed as the mean Â± SD (n = 10). # P < 0.05, ## P < 0.01, HFD vs. control. â–³ P < 0.05, △△ P < 0.01, HFD vs. simvastatin treatment. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, HFD vs. CTS treatment.