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Table 3 Chinese medicine treatments

From: Management of respiratory disorders in a Chinese medicine teaching clinic in Australia: review of clinical records

Chinese medicine treatment

Number of visits, n (%) (N = 842)

Type of treatmenta

 Needle acupuncture

779 (92.5)

 Granule herbs

343 (40.7)

 Manufactured herbs

178 (21.1)

 Raw herbs

119 (14.1)


63 (7.5)

 Ear acupressure

51 (6.1)

 Laser acupuncture

38 (4.5)


37 (4.4)


9 (1.1)

 Externally applied herbs

6 (0.7)

Individual or combination treatment

 Individual treatment

190 (22.6)

 Two types of treatment

528 (62.7)

 Three of more types of treatment

123 (14.6)

 No treatment

1 (0.1)

Advice (n = 116)a


72 (62.1)


34 (29.3)

 Sleep, rest, relaxation or meditation

32 (27.6)

 Increase water intake

25 (21.6)

 Keep body warm

21 (18.1)

 Other advice (such as personal hygiene, clothing, avoid allergen and stress environment)

18 (15.5)

 Keep body covered from windy weather

9 (7.8)

 Reduce coffee intake

8 (6.9)

 Reduce alcohol intake

7 (6.0)

 Reduce smoking

3 (2.6)


842 (100 %)

  1. aPatients may have had more than one type of treatment or advice at a single visit