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Fig. 7 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Anti-colorectal cancer effects of scutellarin revealed by genomic and proteomic analysis

Fig. 7

Proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins. a Differentially expressed proteins shown by volcano plot. Fold change > 1.2 or < 5/6 and P < 0.05 is considered to be a significant differentially expressed protein. Red for up-regulated proteins, green for down-regulated ones, and black for no differentially expressed proteins. b Number of identified up- or down regulated proteins. c Heat maps of identified proteins in control and SCU groups. d GO analysis of DEPs’ biological functions. e Statistics of KEGG pathway enrichment of DEPs. Rich Factor is the ratio of DEP number annotated in this pathway term to all protein number annotated in this pathway term. Greater Rich Factor means greater effect of the inhibitors on the analyzed pathway. f Red dot represents upregulated protein, green for down-regulated one. Rectangles represent biological processes, cellular localization, molecular functions or signaling pathways. Blue for higher P value while yellow for the lower. Solid lines represent protein (genes)-proteins (genes) are interrelated, and dashed lines represent metabolic pathways-proteins (genes) are interrelated. All data are shown as mean ± SD, n = 4. SCU scutellarin

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