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Table 3 Summary of histopathological lesions in the liver

From: Hepatoprotective effect of Qushihuayu formula on non-alcoholic steatohepatitis induced by MCD diet in rat



Inflammatory cells

MCS Diet

0 ± 0

0 ± 0

MCD Diet

4 ± 0###

2.29 ± 0.49###


3 ± 0.53***

1 ± 0.53***


2.875 ± 0.33***

1.38 ± 0.52**


2.75 ± 0.46***

1 ± 0.53***


2.625 ± 0.52***

0.25 ± 0.46***

  1. Means ± SD are shown (*P < 0.05 vs MCD diet, **P < 0.01 MCD diet, ***P < 0.001 MCD diet, ###P < 0.001 vs MCS diet)
  2. These values are averaged from the grading score of steatosis, which was graded 0–4 based on the average percent of fat-accumulated hepatocytes per field at × 100 magnification under H&E staining (Grading 0 =  < 5%, 1 = 5 ~ 25%, 2 = 26 ~ 50%, 3 = 51 ~ 75%, 4 =  > 75%)
  3. Overall assessment of all inflammatory foci per field at × 200 magnification under H&E staining, which was graded 0–3 (Grading 0 = 0, 1 =  < 2, 2 = 2–4, 3 =  > 4)