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Fig. 2 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 2

From: Cucurbitacin E inhibits cellular proliferation and induces apoptosis in melanoma by suppressing HSDL2 expression

Fig. 2

Efficiency of HSDL2 expression in A375 cells using HSDL2-overexpressing lentivirus or shRNA-targeting HSDL2 lentivirus. A, B The expression of HSDL2 was examined in HSDL2-overexpressing A375 cells via RT–qPCR and western blotting. C, D The expression of HSDL2 was detected in HSDL2-silenced A375 cells via RT–qPCR and western blotting. The experiments were repeated three times. The results are presented as the mean ± SEM; **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001, compared with the control group

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