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Fig. 4 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 4

From: Osteoking promotes bone formation and bone defect repair through ZBP1–STAT1–PKR–MLKL-mediated necroptosis

Fig. 4

Transcriptomic profiling-based differential data analysis and biomolecular network-based investigation of candidate effective targets of Osteoking against bone defect. A The volcano plot of the DEGs between the bone defect model group and the normal control group in whole blood tissues using microarray analysis (n = 4 per group). B The volcano plot of the DEGs between the Osteoking treatment group and the bone defect model group in whole blood tissues using microarray analysis (n = 4 per group). C The volcano plot of the DEGs between the bone defect model group and the normal control group in bone tissues using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis (n = 4 per group). D The volcano plot of the DEGs between the Osteoking treatment group and the bone defect model group in bone tissues using RNA-Seq analysis (n = 4 per group). E Functional interaction network analysis of differentially expressed genes in whole blood and bone tissues. The Markov cluster algorithm (MCL). Average local clustering coefficient (ALCC). F Co-expression correlation calculation of differentially expressed genes in whole blood and bone tissues. G The Venn diagram of the DEGs with both functional interactions and co-expression correlations. H Expression levels of core differentially expressed genes (ZBP1, STAT1, PKR, MLKL) in whole blood samples from normal control group, bone defect model group and Osteoking treatment group. I Expression levels of core differentially expressed genes (ZBP1, STAT1, PKR, MLKL) in bone samples from normal control group, bone defect model group and Osteoking treatment group

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