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Fig. 3 | Chinese Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Golden bile powder prevents drunkenness and alcohol-induced liver injury in mice via the gut microbiota and metabolic modulation

Fig. 3

Modulation of the gut microbiota and correlation with liver biochemistry in response to GBP treatment. A Venn diagram showing shared and unique OTUs among the control, Vehi, and GBP groups. B PCoA plot visualizing beta diversity, with greater distances indicating more distinct microbiota compositions. C Bar chart detailing the relative abundance of microbial taxa at the phylum level among the different groups. D Bar chart displaying the relative abundance at the genus level. E Heatmap of genus-level abundance and correlation with key hepatic biochemical parameters. The sample size of each group was 8. The blue squares indicate a significant positive correlation, and the red squares indicate a significant negative correlation (P < 0.05)

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